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🎯 Introduction to dEiRA


This documentation is still a Work In Progress. Some topics have been discussed in greater depth, while others require additional clarification.

Welcome to the dEiRA Documentation

The financial world is evolving at an unprecedented pace, with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology paving the way for new opportunities and challenges. Stablecoins have emerged as an essential part of the digital economy, providing the stability of traditional currencies while benefiting from the advantages of blockchain technology. Despite the stablecoin market's growth, significant challenges that limit their adoption and utility remain.

What is dEiRA​

Introducing dEiRA (pronounced “Deerah”; means “my home town”, also stands for “Dynamic Equity Islamic Real Assets”) a Sharia Compliant protocol backed by a diverse reserve of assets; including G20, and GCC currencies, assets generating revenues, and liquid assets (REITS), with an inflation factor built in, is a revolutionary, AI-Anti-Inflation, Sharia & regulatory compliant decentralized “d”Stablecoin aims to ensure robust stability, transparency, and traceability for the tokenization of real-world assets “RWA”.

By leveraging cutting-edge blockchain and decentralized architecture, such as Nil Message Compute (NMC), combining both private and public cryptographic protocol capabilities, and embedding Coin Identifier Number (CIN) at the root level for each minted dEiRA/NFT, we will be addressing regulatory and compliance requirements such as KYC, AML, and GDPR, facilitating mass adoption by businesses, investment funds, governments, and other institutions.

We will utilize a machine-learning model designed to dynamically adjust the weights of its underlying components in real-time, ensuring efficiency and stability through continuous asset allocation adjustments while deploying a dynamic division chart that displays the real-time percentage of each component contributing to the DEiRA's value, enabling users to verify its worth at any moment. By accounting for inflation rates and adjusting the value of dEiRA coin accordingly, the aim is to maintain a consistent purchasing power for users over time. This strategy has the potential to position dEiRA coin as a global currency, as it addresses one of the key challenges faced by traditional currencies: the erosion of purchasing power due to inflation.

Build on HALA Network​

Get started with HALA by installing the HALA node, and deploying a simple DeFi app locally in Quick Start.

For in depth tutorials on the underlying aspects of the HALA Network, check out the Developer Guide and the Developer Resources.

Why HALA?​

HALA is fast, scalable, uses game theory consensus mechanism, and does no wasteful mining.

HALA features next-gen blockchain technology, utilizing POV (Proof of Victory), extensible EVM and state of the art cryptography.

Introduction to the HALA Platform​

The HALA Platform is a unified infrastructure platform based on technical, traffic, and ecological resources and will be gradually opened to the blockchain industry. It will make the construction of decentralized applications more efficient and cost-effective, and provide comprehensive empowerment in aspects of promotion, traffic, and resources. The HALA Platform is an EVM compatible blockchain that solves the biggest problem in the Dapp industry. The HALA Platform will provide global developers with a series of diverse, innovative facilities and services.

Solving market's biggest problem​

Decentralized applications (Dapps) running on any blockchain contribute to the biggest use case of the blockchain industry. These Dapps are heavily sabotaged by the traditional blockchain's transaction speed. This really does not let heavy Dapps like gaming, metaverse, NFTs, etc. function to their full potential. The traditional blockchain simply can not provide the transaction speed that they need. That is the reason why these types of Dapps can decide to move away from blockchain altogether and adopt a centralised web application approach. Our blockchain solves this problem by having a high TPS capacity using the mighty POV consensus mechanism. Apart from this, our blockchain also heavily emphasizes the security of the network through the network of the Validators and Node responsible for confirming the transactions. The speed and security will create huge advantages for the Dapps, so they can carry on their innovative development in the blockchain ecosystem.


To empower the decentralised applications (Dapps) ecosystem


HALA's vision is not only to be the best hybrid blockchain, but also to focus on the discovery and support of high-potential developers and innovative projects. Relying on the world's largest trading ecosystem, HALA is committed to becoming the birthplace of innovative technologies and innovative businesses, and building a complete ecological loop of technology development, application promotion, and trading.


Assets such as ETH, BNB and stable coins can be mapped to HALA by an asset bridge. The realization method is to lock a certain amount of tokens on the original chain then generate a corresponding number of tokens on HALA.

HALA encourages developers to provide more decentralized cross-chain solution.

HALA Technical Characteristics​

  • An open and decentralized network to maintain the security of the network and assets.
  • Support the programmability of EVM, the compatibility of smart contracts to reduce development or migration costs.
  • Meta-transaction function: gas fee reduction, effectively reducing the cost of developers and users on the chain.
  • Support cross-chain asset transfer to optimize users’ experience.

Support Plan of HALA​

Financial Support​

  • HALA will set up a special fund to invest, support and incentivize high-potential developers.
  • HALA will launch a variety of developer activities and competitions to discover and fund potential developers.
  • In order to reduce the cost of users on HALA Dapp, the HALA transaction function will reduce the gas fee of users holding $HALA in a step-wise manner.

Traffic Support​

HALA will strongly support the development of HALA ecosystem:

  • Provide traffic entrance for high-quality Dapp on HALA.
  • After running successfully on HALA, high-quality projects can submit token listing application to HALA trading platform, and can be listed on it if they meet the listing standards.

Resource Support​

  • Projects or developers that have received investment and support from HALA have not only the opportunity to get official news report, but also can apply for marketing service packages and promote their projects globally.
  • High-quality projects can participate in HALA foundation roadshows for free.
  • HALA will open up ecological resources to high-potential developers, matching the win-win cooperation between developers and our ecological partners.

Interact with Us on Social Media​

Risk Warning​

All users and developers can participate in the current test environment and subsequent stages of HALA for free, and there is no charging scenario. All users must distinguish the test environment from the Mainnet. The assets generated in the test environment have no value. Be aware of counterfeit currency fraud. HALA announces authorization, promotion and other collaborations only through the official social media platform. Developers and users should check carefully to avoid losses. Do not misread the official website (, and be cautious with private key phishing.